Tree Frost, a vaudeville noir
Having found no other justification than hunger for the murder they’ve just committed, Maxence and Clamince are accosted by the police while eating a cadaver. Thus starts an epic journey that leads them from prison to psychiatric hospital, psychiatric hospital to go-go bar, go-go bar to cabaret, cabaret to nativity manger… woven throughout which are the themes of cannibalism, love, murder, gag, paedophilia, dancing, birth, death, the mob, prostitution and trade.
Written in 1996 – Original title : La Gelée d'arbre, vaudeville noir – First published in France in 1998 by Théâtre Ouvert – English translation by Francesca Devalier
Characters : 3 women, 7 men and various small parts – Length : 1h15
Find the French text here
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